ON–120: Arbitrum (Part 2)
Coverage on Arbitrum Ecosystem and Tracer DAO
May 6, 2022
- Tracer builds decentralized derivatives infrastructure, native to Arbitrum One. The first product, Perpetual Pools, allows users to create liquidation-free, leveraged tokens on any price feed which can be represented by a reliable oracle. Since launching in September, Tracer’s Perpetual Pools have secured over $625m in trading volume (both primary and secondary), had a peak TVL over $50m, and has interacted with 1,071 unique wallets. Perpetual Pools v2 are about to launch.

- The design is optimized to avoid liquidations. The Perpetual Pools average hold period to-date is 28-days, without a single case of liquidation. v2 enables Pool tokens to be held for longer and minimizes the impact of volatility decay.

- Attracting 644 concurrent users over a 10-day period, the v2 trading competition allowed users to experiment with the new pool design using an initial $10k in test tokens.